Bass&Body: 1 on 1 Vibroacoustic
Sound Healing Session
Introducing Bass&Body, a one on one vibroacoustic sound healing session designed specifically to vibrate the body using electronic frequencies. A tactile audio vest (also known as a haptic vest) is provided to ensure that each frequency sent to the ears are also felt in the body by way of 6 transducers strategically embedded into the vest. The session is completely customized and tailored to the recipient’s needs, with specific techniques and frequencies being explored and implemented to help treat a wide range of ailments and diseases including:
pain management
Alzheimer’s Disease
depression/mood disorders
blood circulation
Parkinson’s Disease
There is a plethora of research supporting sound and vibrational therapy as an effective healing modality for the illnesses and disorders listed above, as well as others not mentioned. I’ve listed several links and sources at the bottom of this page.
Just as medical patients respond differently to different treatment methods, every recipient of sound treatment responds differently to different treatment methods, has a unique